Kamis, 19 April 2012

softskill Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 (Tugas 2)

NPM : 10208726
CLASS : 4 EA 14


1. Agree, because today's Y generation have the passion, knowledge and ideas in new and more innovative. So that the business world is growing and advancing. Whereas the previous generation only has the experience, which can be made subject to Y generation have a problem. Y Generation also has a better chance than previous generations.

2. the difference of the function phone / handphone

a. Baby boomer : Baby boomers on the phone is useful only to deliver information and communication. So the phone did not develop from the existing functionality.
b. X Generation : Phone is used to facilitate communication and get the job done. That was developed into a mobile phone to make it easier to communicate and send messages. That can be taken anywhere and used when needed.
c. Y Generation : Phone is no longer used as a communication tool and send the message, but more for fashion. So that the phone has a mobile berkemembang add more sophisticated features, ranging from entertainment, music, internet and camera. In modified form was already as good as possible so impressed expensive and attractive.

3. At my age should be the focus of college but I decided to split my time to work. The main reason of course I work for the money. As the last child who always give depth to give pocket money should I save if you want something. So I think to work to earn their own money to satisfy my desire. The fact that I was not looking for money as the original purpose but experience and a comfortable workplace, so I work with the spirit as well as add insight into the working world. Graduated from college so I know what the world would later wrestled.